Tuesday, August 10, 2010

There Are 42 Film Schools in California

There are probably some that I missed, but based on a quick review, there seems to be a lot of film schools and a lot of students in California with their eye on a career in films. My granddaughter is one of those students, but she is having second thoughts about her career path. If you can't get a job, you don't have a career, right? She has one year to go at Cal State University in Long Beach, and she is starting to wonder if she made a mistake focusing on the film industry. She wants to be a film editor; she is wonderfully competent, hard working, very creative, and would be good at many different things. But she picked film. Now what?

I've always believed that 'it's easier to ride a horse in the direction he is going'. Most of us don't have the strength and determination to get that huge animal to turn around and go where we want it to go. Does she? Does she have the passion to succeed in the face of a dismal forecast? She says not, I hope otherwise. Are all 42 schools training students for an industry that will fail them unless they move out of state? What a shame if that is our reality.



  1. Over the years I have heard the statement "I'd rather be lucky than good." Honestly, I would rather be both but it does highlight the truth that sometimes in life no matter how prepared, how talented or how educated we are it comes down to a bit of luck making the difference. You should tell your granddaughter that although it won't be a slam dunk (what worthwhile endeavor in life is?) with some perseverance and some luck it is possible to get a job even in these conditions. I tell my out of work kids the same thing. But it also requires you to be out there putting yourself in luck's way to snag the golden ring. It is easier to give up and the odds are stacked up against her but it is worth the effort to try. Even if to know years from now she did not give up easily.

    That's my two cents for this morning!


  2. That advice is worth a lot more than 2 cents. I have lived my life pretty much believing that I can do anything if I just don't give up. Some would say that you need to know "when to fold 'em"; I choose not to have that as an option.

    I wish you'd start blogging so I can benefit from your wisdom on a regular basis.
